Do you know where Milk comes from? Is it as good as you were told when you were a kid?

Today I want to talk to you about


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I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and I found out that she didn’t really know how the milk she bought at the supermarket came to be.

I was in shock, but then I realised that media dictates what we know and so does history. However we evolve and learn new things every day.

We have grown up all our lives being told that milk is good for us; that it provides us with calcium to make our bones strong and grow.

However new studies show that the calcium absorbed from animal products isn’t as efficient as plant-based sources.

Animal milk is actually linked to many health problems that can harm YOU, such as: 

  • Osteoporosis: that is the weakening of the bones, fractures and holes within. A study conducted in Sweden proved that women who consumed a lot of milk had a high tendency of fractures compared o the ones that consumed little or none.
  • Cancer: studies have proven that dairy milk increases the chance of cancer, especially prostate and ovarian cancer.
  • Acne: Consumption of milk is also proven to increase the prevalence of acne.
  • Cholesterol: 1 single glass of milk contains 24mg of cholesterol – which increases heart problems.
  • Antibiotic resistance: cows now a days are filled with different medications that do not harm humans if consumed. However this does reduce the effectiveness the medication will have on you if you ever need it as your immune system might have gotten used to the treatment.
  • Fats: 1 glass of milk contains 20% fat of your daily allowance.

A study proved that 12,000 kids were found to gain more weight the more milk they drank.

Surprisingly I found out that skim and 1% milk is more fattening than whole or 2% milk.


Also, Milk doesn’t only harm us, but also our home:

Due to the vast amounts of cows we produce and keep the more environmental problems we face.

  • Did you know that agriculture is responsible for more pollution than cars, planes and all transport all put together?
  • Cattle are the most to blame for global worming– they are responsible for 18% of green house gases.
  • Livestock and their by products are responsible for 51% of worldwide green house gas emissions.
  • Not just that but Cattle produce a lot of ammonia in their urine that is one of the main causes of acid rain.
  • Cows also produce 150 BILLION GALLONS of methane a Day!
  • Did you know that Methane is 25-100 x more destructive than CO2? – Which is the most known green house gas.
  • Livestock is also responsible for 65% of the Nitrous Oxide we produce – and did you know that Nitrous oxide stays in the atmosphere for over 150 years!!!
  • Just by Producing animal’s feed, producing the meat and transporting it – this produces 9% of CO2 that contributes to the green house gases.
  • The Majority of deforestation is also due to this. As we need land for them to live and for us to grow food for them.
  • Not just that but To produce milk, Cows require large amounts of fresh drinkable water – they need 990 L of water to produce 1 single L of Milk.

We currently live in a world that is not sustainable and that is overpopulated.

It is estimated that by 2050 there will be 9.5 billion people in this world that only means agriculture will increase if we continue this way. If we do not stop the emissions are estimated to increase by 80%.

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So know that I have given you some facts to prove to you WHY WE SHOULDN’T CONSUME MILK, now I’m going to tell you the INHUMANE reason. The why I even decided to tell you this, the how milk comes to be what we buy at the shop…

  • 1st. A beautiful cow is RAPED.
  • 2nd. Unwillingly she is then pregnant.
  • For 274 days she feels her baby growing inside of her, no matter how bad she felt when she got pregnant now she feels a blessing inside of her.
  • 274 days later, her baby was born. A beautiful baby girl and it was love at first sight!

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  • Finally she thinks maybe this will change things for me – but all of a sudden a couple days later, that MAN comes to see her.
  • The MAN comes and TAKES her baby. SO not only is she raped but also a part of her is stolen forever.
  • Not only is her world turned upside down again but now she is being PLUGED INTO MACHINES!!!!! And the nutrients she made for HER baby to grow are now being pumped out of her to feed YOU.
  • For days they both cry for each other, she can faintly hear her baby in the far distance along with many other baby’s from other fellow mothers that are in the same situation that she is in. Until one day she doesn’t hear her any more.
  • Once they have drained her dry – They rape her again.
  • These machines she is plugged into not only drain her, but also cause her MASTITIS.

– Mastitis is the inflammation of the udders, that causes pain, inflammation, fever and uncomfort. (Imagine someone sticking a finger in your wound constantly; you wouldn’t like it would you?)


  • It all happens again for an average of 5-8 years tops till she is too used and wasted, so they dispose of her and she end up in your plate. – However usually in processed food as the meat isn’t as fresh and tender!

The life expectancy of a cow in the wild is of: 18 – 25 years!!

They’re life is literally hell in industrial production system.

The fact is a cow has to have a baby to be able to produce milk. The same as you and every other mammal does. However their baby is then taken away so that WE can consume they’re milk.

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And now what I want to know is where will that leave us? Are we really going to be that closed minded and stuck to our old ways to realise that what we once saw as good and as the norm; we now know to be bad.

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The reality is we are killing our planet. We see it happening but we don’t want to see it. It’s a fact, accept it and start acting and changing for the better.

This is OUR HOME we are talking about, and the home to many other beautiful species.

So lets stop being selfish and start making wise decisions that don’t just benefit ourselves.

Its time to evolve and change for the better of everyone!


I will tomorrow be talking about this on MARBELLA NOW for RTV MARBELLA!

My learning difficulties experience. Dyslexia. The solution exists – Chromagen lenses saved my life!


Since I can remember school hasn’t come easy to me, however still I always loved it because I love to learn and socialise.

School has always been so much harder for me. When my friends had finished their homework at the age of 5 even younger (very easy and basic things) I still was struggling to understand and I wouldn’t let my self not do it. I would sit there for hours with my parents helping me, extra schoolteachers till I got it. My parents would insist on me to stop working that I should play or go to bed; however I never would give up until I had it done and understood.

I thought I was very intelligent but I couldn’t understand how for most of my friends it came so easy while I struggled so much. So then I started to think that I must have been stupid, that was the only explanation I could find…

The schools would tell my parents that I was stupid, that I was doing this on purpose (failing, getting distracted, reading double, etc.), that I was doing it for attention; they even question how we were at home.

My parents have always seen how much effort I put into everything I do so they never believed what people told them. My parents got my school to do an IQ test on me and I got a result of over 120 at the age of 6 while being bilingual in 2 languages which equalised to an IQ of over 140. Basically meaning that I was very smart and that the school was at wrong for blaming me for my difficulties.

The first thing I ever read was a t-shirt I was wearing and I read it in the mirror. My parents were in shock. From there we went to discover that I was Dyslexic.

I would re-read sentences, invert letters, have very bad coordination, shy, in my bubble (people used to ask my mom if I was mad)… I was still though a very happy and social little girl with my friends from school and people that I knew. I have always been a social butterfly.

I started going to courses to train me how to see better, I got prescription glasses to see better which actually only made me dizzy so I stopped using those. Until much later when I actually currently need them. LOL

Nothing ever helped me. I hated how hard everything was for me, I would have tutors every summer since I was so young just because I wouldn’t accept failing.

My grandfather in Marbella reading an English newspaper found an article about these lenses that had been found to help not only colour blinds but also dyslexic people. He immediately sent this article to us. I had given up to be honest, but my parents never did. So my mom and I got on the first flight to the UK to a go check these glasses out – Chromagen lenses.

My life restarted the moment I got my combination!

I did the test and suddenly everything made sense to me. At 9 years old I started to read. I saw what I never knew before. I saw the letters stick to the page! My explanation to my mom was – before the letters were at recess, however now they are in class. Meaning they were all over the place before and I couldn’t keep track of them where as by putting the glasses on they were there, obedient, in the right order not making me confused by constantly shifting places. This was great!

I believed in me again!

I couldn’t just go home with this for me so I insisted my mom to bring this home and share it with all the other kids that need it just as much as I did and do. And my mommy did! She’s awesome. Its been hard and allot of people don’t believe in it, but you have to see to believe I guess.

With my glasses, I still needed help don’t get me wrong its not like from the night to the morning I was solved. I still went to extra classes but I could do it. I got it. I never failed again. I always passed. It was still always a bit harder for me… But I was me again. I believed in me. I came out of my bubble (No one now would ever say that I am shy I don’t think). I started jumping with my horse, playing sports, went to university and I have just graduated doing a BSc (Hons) in Animal science with zoo and companion animals. I also did a great dissertation that is unique – ‘Comparing the cognitive ability of pigs at different ages and sexes through the use of clicker training’ – which received a 1st class grade, It was published in an article by The Pig world in the UK and I was also interviewed on the radio by BBC Essex. I always wear my glasses not because I need them any more but because I feel more comfortable with them when I drive, watch TV, work on the computer or study.

I am so happy my parents believed in me, I know for some people it is hard to believe that a colour lens – Chromagen lenses – can change your life so much. It sounds and looks ridiculous. But if there is something I can vouch for is they are and were my salvation and my brothers. They even benefit my sister whom has always been N1 in her everything.

The school wanted to drug my brother because he is Hyperactive – my parents refused and took him out of the school. A year later or so we found Chromagen and my mom tried them on my brother. The results were extraordinary!

He said that for him it was like looking straight at a light that is very close, so it hurts your eyes that is why you are constantly moving and as soon as he put the glasses on he could see, his eyes relaxed and adapted. He then went changing his combination as his eyes were regulating and getting better till he no longer needed them anymore. If you meet him now you would never have known he was ever hyperactive.

Were as I have friends that to the day still are pharmaceutically and by prescription drugging themselves, so to ‘be normal’. Does this make sense? I think not.

These lenses will change YOUR life. 1 out of 4 people need them. Believe in yourself. Believe in your child. Don’t always believe what you are told believe what you see. For some it’s easier to believe that your child is lying to you than that they actually have a visual problem. Please think twice. No one wants to fail on purpose, or get their parents angry… they’re probably just not seeing it write.

You get something once and you are cured for a lifetime. They are so worth it I have no words.

There are so many kids, adults, friends that are out there that need them as much as I did and do. The younger you get it the better it is, however its never too late 🙂

It just has to get out there more, people have to believe and help as much as I want to help you.


Chromagen lenses

Have a look on the web – it’s worth a try.. you don’t loose anything the opposite, you will gain.


Me at 9 years young, just starting to use Chromagen!

me and diss poster

This is me at 21 years young presenting my Dissertation poster in my last year of university – thanks to Chromagen lenses!.